美しい松林と大海原を満喫「さつき松原遊歩道」 最終更新日:2024年7月16日 (ID:2332) 印刷 日本の白砂青松100選にも選ばれている「さつき松原」の遊歩道です。約1.5キロのコースで、松林と美しい海岸の大海原、2つの情景を一度に楽しめるウオーキングコースです。玄海東小学校下の駐車場にトイレを整備し、コース上2カ所には新たに展望所も設けました。 「さつき松原遊歩道初歩き」と題したウオーキング企画では、100人を超える参加者でにぎわいました。晴れの空気が澄んだ日は、世界遺産候補の「神宿る島」宗像・沖ノ島を望むことができます。ぜひ、新たに整備された、さつき松原遊歩道を利用してください。 Satsuki Matsubara Promenade The Satsuki Matsubara Promenade is a paved walkway through a section of the Satsuki Matsubara pine grove along the Munakata coast. The promenade is about 1.5 kilometers long and starts near Hokuto no Mizukumi Seaside Park. Visitors can see the islands of Oshima and Jinoshima from the walkway. On a clear day, it is possible to see the island of Okinoshima in the distance, about 60 kilometers offshore. Okinoshima is a sacred site and off limits to visitors. Pine trees were first planted here over 400 years ago under the direction of Kuroda Nagamasa (1568–1623), who ruled Chikuzen Province (part of modern-day Fukuoka) in the early seventeenth century. It was the first of eight pine groves he planted in the area to protect the shoreline from erosion. Most of the current pine trees are around 200 years old, and the local community is planting new pine seedlings to ensure the survival of the grove. The Satsuki Matsubara pine grove stretches 5.5 kilometers along the coast between Kanezaki and Konominato. A cycling course runs along the pine grove. It starts at Michi no Eki Munakata Roadside Station —a rest area a few minutes on foot from the promenade— and covers the main sights around Munakata. In summer, the beach in front of the pine grove is a popular swimming spot. (This English-language text was created by the Japan Tourism Agency.)