八所宮 最終更新日:2021年12月28日 (ID:2496) 印刷 “いざなぎのみこと"ほか夫婦神四代八柱をお祀りしている八所宮(はっしょぐう)は神武天皇のご神託で674年より現在地に祀られています。神武天皇が日向国から大和国に東征する途中、祭神が赤馬に乗って現れ、道案内されたとされ、人々はこの辺一帯を「赤馬(あかま)」と呼ぶようになります。それを起源として、現在の「赤間」という地名となりました。 また、例年行われている八所宮秋期例大祭は有名で、約200年の伝統を持つ古式大名行列が午後10時から翌2時まで行われます。Hasshogu ShrineHasshogu Shrine in the Yoshitake district of Munakata is said to have been founded in 674. Four pairs of deities are venerated at the shrine, including those who created the islands of Japan and those who protected Emperor Jimmu (believed to Japan’s first emperor), on a journey through northern Kyushu.Local legend recounts that Emperor Jimmu was traveling through the area from his base in Hyuga (Miyazaki) to conquer the lands of Yamato (present-day Nara) when a deity appeared, riding a red horse. The deity guided the emperor safely through the area. Several historic votive tablets (ema) at the shrine depict this story. It is said that a shrine was built here at the request of Emperor Tenmu (631–686), Japan’s fortieth emperor, to enshrine the deities who protected Emperor Jimmu. Hasshogu Shrine has played a role in protecting the imperial family and their retainers since it was established. Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537–1598), the famed warlord and politician who completed the sixteenth-century unification of Japan begun by Oda Nobunaga (1534–1582), prayed here for victory when he came to subdue the powerful warlords of Kyushu in 1586. After his success, he dedicated several treasures to the shrine, including a sword. An annual autumn festival has been celebrated at Hasshogu Shrine for over 200 years. Held on the third weekend of October, the festival starts with an evening procession of local people in Edo-period (1603–1867) dress, carrying lanterns and portable shrines from Hasshogu Shrine to the Tsuri River. The approach to the shrine is lined with food stalls, adding to the festive atmosphere. Other events during the festival weekend include horseback archery performances, traditional dances, and children’s sumo matches. The festival concludes at midnight on the Sunday.(This English-language text was created by the Japan Tourism Agency.) 所在地宗像市吉留3186電話番号0940-33-4467周辺案内図地図はドラッグ操作でスクロールします。注:地図を表示する場合は、JavaScriptをオンにしてください。GoogleMAPで見ることもできます。