風車展望所 最終更新日:2022年1月22日 (ID:2576) 印刷 風車展望所は島の北部、瀬山牧場内を通る遊歩道を歩いていくと小高い岡の上に見えてきます。 海を望む最高のロケーションです。Windmill ObservatoryOn the north side of Oshima Island stands a windmill with a sheltered observation area and views of the Genkai Sea. The hills near the windmill are covered with cosmos flowers in late summer and with silvery pampas grass in fall. There is a small horse ranch near the windmill, where visitors can book riding tours of the area. Windmill Observatory is less than 10 minutes on foot from the ruins of a World War II artillery battery and observation station. Visitors can rent bicycles to get to Windmill Observatory or take a loop bus from the ferry port, which stops at most sightseeing spots on the island. The windmill is a stop on one of the Kyushu Olle hiking courses. The Kyushu Olle is a series of hiking routes across Kyushu, each of which can be covered in a day. The courses are well-marked with signs and colored ribbons. The Oshima course is just over 11 kilometers long and takes around 4–5 hours to complete.(This English-language text was created by the Japan Tourism Agency.)風車展望所周辺案内図地図はドラッグ操作でスクロールします。注:地図を表示する場合は、JavaScriptをオンにしてください。GoogleMAPで見ることもできます。